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One ticket to Prague castle – visit four sites

There are several galleries and exhibitions at the Prague castle – most people buy the ticket B where you get one ticket to Prague castle and visit four sites.

The castle is one of the main sites in Prague to visit. You definitely need at least two hours to walk through the complex. You can walk around for free (opened between 6.00 – 22.00) or you can purchase a ticket and enter the interiors. Basically everybody buys the one ticket to Prague castle (250 CZK for an adult, 125 CZK reduced). For more details about the tickets, sale points, and sites watch a previous video Avoid lines at castle – where to buy tickets to Prague castle.

This one ticket to Prague castle you can enter four sites: St. Vitus cathedral, Old royal palace, St. George basilica, and Golden lane.

St. Vitus cathedral is the most beautiful and still active church in Czech Republic. Kings, archbishops, Czech saints, or modern leaders of the Catholic church are buried there. The two most important men would be St. John of Nepomuk and St. Wenceslas. The cathedral is closed on Sunday mornings due to a mass (closed till 12.00). The front part is accessible for free.

One ticket to Prague castle, including St. Vitus cathedral
One ticket to Prague castle, including St. Vitus cathedral

To get the most of your visit of Prague castle book your guided tour with Supreme Prague here.

Old royal palace was a residence for kings in medieval ages. The palace has three floors – each from a different century. The last big changes were going on in late 1490s. Nowadays you can visit the large Vladislav hall where president of Czech republic gives medals and awards to significant people on Czech independece day, 28th October.

St. George basilica was the big and important church before St. Vitus cathedral started to be built in 1344. The first basilica was built already in 10th century. Today you can also buy a ticket for an evening concert taking place in this Romanesque basilica.

Golden lane is the most magical place at the castle. The true explanation of the name comes from goldsmiths that settled at that area in 16th century. Nevertheless, broadly spread legends situate alchymists and magicians who supposedly worked here with gold, potions, and elixirs. The Golden lane is accessible for free after 17.00.

The sites are open every day in 9.00 – 17.00. The last entry to cathedral is at 15.40. On Sunday morning is St. Vitus cathedral closed.

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