Czech money

Know Czech money before you arrive, know what to expect. We use coins and banknotes. Supreme Prague brings you information that helps to ease your stay in Prague.

To orient yourself in Czech money is easy when you figure out the exchange rate. Find out current exchange rate at the website of Czech national bank.

For euro you get around 25,5 CZK, for dolar about 22,5 CZK, and for pound about 29,5 CZK.

Well, that is the bank rate. So for exchanging money use banks, good exchange offices, or use ATM and pay by card. The latter is the safest option. However, not everywhere is card accepted so you still need to have at least some money on you.

Czech money: coins

Czech money: coins

You will need coins for tram tickets, for public toilets, or to purchase small items. Sometimes it is difficult to break big notes (2000 and 5000), especially in the morning. Read about Tips from Prague before your arrival to learn about basic information .

If you are staying at least two days, get Czech currency. Exchange small amount at the airport and get good exchange rate later in the city center. Usually, the exchange rate abroad is not good so bring only a few hundreds to get by the first day.


You can pay with euro everywhere in the city center. But remember, euro is not the state currency! So if you want to pay with euro, fine, but you will be losing money. Normally only euro banknotes are accepted and you get the change in local currency. So again, try to pay with local money, it is the easiest and safest way.

Credit cards

Paying by cards is the easiest way if you do not want to get involved in counting the money all the time. Most shops and restaurants accept cards. Look on the door if there is a Visa or Mastercard sticker – then these cards are accepted. Usually only these two types are accepted, American Express is not widely taken in Prague. The exchange rate is then calculated by bank.

Czech money: banknotes 100, 200, 500

Czech money: banknotes 100, 200, 500

Czech money: banknotes 1000, 2000, 5000

Czech money: banknotes 1000, 2000, 5000


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