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What is Prague center

When you are planning a trip you must take a lot into consideration: time, money, and also distance. You need to think what sites are worth visiting (do I really need to enter that church and pay 10 euro?) but you also need to know where the sites are and how to get there. Find out what is Prague center and what you find there.

The orientation in Prague is really easy – by the end of your first day you will immediately know what is Prague center and how far it stretches. The river Vltava flows through the center and on both sides is the center.

Prague is divided into 9 large districts, breaking into 22 smaller districts. Each has its own town hall (in Czech: radnice). District 1 is the city center (Praha 1). BUT the district 1 (and partially 2) is made up of 4 historical towns: Old Town (Staré Město), New Town (Nové Město), Lesser/Small Town (Malá Strana), and Castle Town (Hradčany). That is where you find basically all the historical sites.

Even if you get lost, you always know where you are. Just look on the street sign which is located at the beginning of a street on the building. In the capital letters is the name of the street. Below on the left side is the name of the district. In the example below is the name Josefov. That is the official name of the Jewish quarter located in the Old Town. Find out more about Jewish quarter and Josefov here. On the right side is the district: Praha 1 – the center.

What is Prague center - street sign and what is written there
Street sign

If you walk in a normal pace, take pictures, and do not get lost it takes about two hours to walk through the center – from Prague castle over Charles bridge to Old Town square and Powder tower.

What is Prague center - what do you pass by on the main walk from Prague castle to Powder tower
Main points of the walk in the center: from Prague castle to Powder tower. Takes 2 hours.

It is crucial to understand that Prague center consists of the four towns. Each town had a town wall, main square and market, town hall, and main church. As a result, there are so many churches because each Catholic / denomination and order wanted to be present and influential in each of the towns. The four towns were united into one city of Prague in 1784.

Prague divided into 22 disctricts, Prague center is district 1

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